Icon Dienstleistung Energieaudits

Energy audits

As an energy audit, on-site energy advice is carried out by a professionally trained expert appointed by BAFA. We offer you energy advice and energy audits individually tailored to your company so that you can reduce your energy costs, and we strictly follow the relevant regulations.

Energy audits drive energy efficiency and cost savings

Energy audits cost savings

The task

An energy audit is an on-site energy consultation by a technically trained expert (“auditor”). The aim of this energy consultation is to optimize energy efficiency, energy costs and energy consumption. This is a key issue for many companies: According to a survey, 20 percent of all company managers surveyed named energy costs as the greatest burden for the future of medium-sized companies. According to the survey, almost a quarter of medium-sized companies assume that they can save at least 5,000 euros per year in energy costs, some of them even up to 250,000 euros.

The solution

The energy audit is therefore an important instrument for identifying potential for increasing energy efficiency and reducing energy costs and for defining appropriate measures. If companies know how much energy is consumed in which areas of the company, they can derive the optimal savings potential. The energy audit is therefore an important tool for individual companies and thus for the entire economy to promote energy efficiency and cost savings.

Energy audits according to DIN 16247 are eligible


We offer you energy consulting and energy audits individually tailored to your company so that you can reduce your energy costs. In doing so, we strictly follow the relevant regulations according to the DIN 16247 standard and the Energy Services Act (EDL-G). This obliges companies that are not small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to have their energy consumption checked every four years and to document these checks. According to the EU definition, non-SMEs are companies that either have 250 full-time employees or more or that have an annual turnover of at least 50 million euros and an annual balance sheet total of more than 43 million euros.

DIN 16247

The DIN 16247 standard, on the other hand, specifies the requirements for high-quality energy audits and offers small and medium-sized companies the opportunity to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption through a systematic examination of energy use and energy consumption.

Often these services are even eligible. We would be happy to check for you whether there are subsidies for your planned consultations, audits or energy efficiency projects, and support you in applying for and preparing the evidence required for payment. Energy audits according to DIN EN 16247, for example, are funded by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control with up to 6,000 euros.

Energy audits eligible

Carry out energy audits for companies of all sizes and industries

energy audit company

The procedure

We have established a consistent process to conduct energy audits for companies of all sizes and industries. In a preliminary meeting, we get to know your company and review all existing documents. During the inspection (step 2) we carry out the necessary measurements of production facilities, buildings and plants as well as all points of consumption in order to determine their energy consumption exactly. From the analysis of the existing data (step 3) we determine the relevant key figures and open up optimization potential with regard to energy efficiency. Finally, in the last step, we create a comprehensive report with recommendations for energy saving, action plans and funding opportunities.

The implementation

Together with you, we develop sustainable efficiency strategies to reduce costs and consumption and thus to increase the competitiveness of your company. We agree with you individually on the goals, requirements, scope and limits of the energy audit, the period of implementation and requirements for the data to be collected before the start of the audit. We advise and support you in the planning, selection and implementation of your energy efficiency projects. Our experts for energy audits have extensive project experience in a wide variety of industries and will help you to reduce energy costs in a targeted manner.

Services energy audits

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FAQ – Frequently Asked Questionson energy audits

What are management systems?

Management systems bundle activities, instruments and methods of corporate management. They express how organizations organize themselves in their structures and processes in order to systematically achieve their desired results in a wide range of areas. Through the use of management systems, all activities in a company should run smoothly.

Why does a company need operational management systems?

Management systems are instruments for the targeted implementation of corporate goals and tasks. The focus is on the approach of continuous improvement of business processes. They bring structure and transparency and promote the targeted implementation of the defined goals and visions.

What do companies have to pay attention to when introducing and implementing management systems?

The most important services include advice on optimizing processes, checking documents, developing the PDCA cycle as the four-stage control loop of the continuous improvement process (“Plan, Do, Check, Act”) and preparing audits. The focus is exclusively on international standards.

What are environmental management systems?

According to the international standard ISO 14001, organizations can improve their environmental performance, fulfill legal and other obligations and achieve environmental goals through an environmental management system. With the environmental management system, an organization defines the responsibilities and processes of operational environmental protection.

How does energy management work?

Systematic energy management according to ISO 50001 can continuously increase energy efficiency in companies and organizations and reduce energy consumption and the associated greenhouse gas emissions. The international energy management standard can be used by companies across all industries and sizes.

Which management systems are there in general?

The systems for quality management, environmental management, occupational health and safety management, energy management, risk and financial management, carbon management, sustainability management, documentation management, health management, integrated management systems (EcoStep) and food safety are particularly important for companies.

Would you like to find out more?

We would like to get to know you! Say or write hello to us! Ask us anything! We would be happy to give you more information about our services!