The management consultancy Höppner Management & Consultant has planted 300 red beeches in a nature reserve in Bad Pyrmont. The company thus offsets around 140 kilograms of CO2 emissions and contributes to sustainable development in accordance with the 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations.
Trees and forests are vital to the climate. In the course of photosynthesis, among other things, they absorb the greenhouse gas CO2 and release oxygen. In doing so, they help in the fight against global warming by counteracting climate change due to CO2 sequestration. This means: The more trees there are, the more CO2 can be bound. Especially since intact forests are also the habitat of numerous animals and plants and thus contribute to biodiversity. This has been scientifically proven: in 2019, ETH Zurich came to the conclusion in a large study that climate change can be stopped if new forests are planted worldwide with an area the size of the United States.
Höppner Management & Consultant has now contributed a small part to the reforestation. On March 12, the “Plant a Flower Day”, the management consultancy for occupational safety, environmental protection and management systems, which operates throughout Germany, planted 300 beech trees in a nature reserve in the Baarsen district of Bad Pyrmont. “We take our social responsibility seriously. Trees and plants absorb CO2 and bind it in their biomass. Therefore, the reforestation of forests is an essential part of mitigating climate change. Our campaign with the planting corresponds to compensation for around 140 kilograms of CO2 emissions,” says Michael Wentler, managing partner of Höppner Management & Consultant GmbH with headquarters in Wedemark/Hannover.
The action was an action by parts of the team, the 300 seedlings with a size of 70 to 80 centimeters are now on the property of the Michael Wentler family. The background: The trees on the family property receive the necessary care and it can be checked whether the trees have grown as desired. A tree only reaches its full potential after years of growth. Therefore, continuous care of the trees is important for the idea of climate protection,” says Michael Wentler.
The management consultancy thus contributes directly to the 13th sustainability goal of the United Nations (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). The goal of “measures to protect the climate” includes, among other things, limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius and achieving global greenhouse gas neutrality by mid-century. According to this, 195 million people are affected by climate-related extreme events every year, and 132 million people could live in extreme poverty by 2030 because of the consequences of climate change. In addition to Goal 13, afforestation also supports other goals of sustainable development.
In addition to this voluntary team action, Höppner Management & Consultant is fully subject to the requirements of the Gold Standard Foundation for CO 2 compensation. The Gold Standard Foundation is a non-profit certification organization from Switzerland. Only projects that demonstrably lead to the reduction of greenhouse gases and at the same time are good for the local environment and social concerns of the population are eligible for certification by “The Gold Standard”. “Through our Gold Standard compensation projects, we want to promote environmental protection in business and set an example. After all, we also advise our customers on their environmental protection and compensation projects for real sustainable development,” emphasizes Michael Wentler.
press contact
Höppner Management & Consultant GmbH
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Wentler, Managing Director
Florastrasse 4
30900 Wedemark/Hanover
Telephone: +49 5130 97272-10
Email: wentler@hoeppnermanagement
Image sources: © Höppner Management & Consultant GmbH